Discuss to find out the suitable images |
let's share our task, class....!! |
consulting with the available example |
come on cut the appropriate pictures |
Mr. Didi stay cold beside us as long the process |
Which picture suit become |
“I thing this picture suitable with…” |
This image appropriate with the need |
Patch the picture suit the matter and giving title |
A flower |
A basket of fruits |
Rekapitulasi Nilai Sementara arTooBe
KKM: 72
No. | Name | UH1 | UH2 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 | Agista Yuwandhana Aidilla Winda Prastika Ariska Vergiyanti Romadhon Dian Fintiasih Dian Winda Muhaya Dion Akhsanu Fariha Duwi Indrasari Fitria Ningsih Fitriana Sugiarti Ganggas Restu Lintang P Hanan Urwatin Nichla I’is Naeni Arieska Imam Ghozali Inggrit Styo Ayu Ningtyas Kholifah Eka Nur Fadzillah Lina Sugiarti Listia Rohana Martiana Dian Puspitasari Moch. Rudi Riyanto Muhammad Ali Mansyur Muhammad Ridwan Nabilah hidayati Nashihatul Muala Sya’baniyah Novitasari Pipit Junia Putri Alimatus Sholihah Putri Anggita kushindar Putri Ayu Kesuma Devi Putri Wulan Romadhona Risa Yuni Rianti Rochma Zunifa Siti Nurfaizah Wahyu Bagus Muharrom Yuliana Yuni Novita Zaenal Ma’arif Annisa Dara Ayu M. S. Rulyta Rizqina Sekaring T. | 72 72 72 62 72 72 70 72 75 70 78 72 72 85 70 72 72 78 72 72 72 75 72 72 70 75 98 72 72 0 70 75 75 75 72 72 75 * | 80 90 80 90 65 75 65 85 95 70 85 85 75 100 65 85 75 80 70 85 75 70 50 85 65 75 100 85 85 55 95 75 70 50 75 70 70 90 |
By using the images that suitable with the subject, students will increase their competence and knowledge in English, cause its mean join English fun.
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